We had a good pheasant hunting season thanks to all the hard working volunteers who made it possible for all local hunters to enjoy. Here are the main volunteers for 2014: Bob Bishop, Tim Stewart, Brian Bancroft, Dick & Elaine McDonald, Larry Kralicek, Roy Trevino, Russ & Lew Sikes, Donnie Claunch, Marcus & Nathan Garner, Mike Parmenter, Lance Mefford (& son), Scott Vousboukis, Rick Kratsch, Tim Delacy, Joe Eberle (& son), Casey Guthrie, Bill McNeal, Jim Pyles, Dan Anders, Dave Layton, Mark Ogle, Bill & Maryanne Raines, Kelly Nelson & Dave Ojima. Let Dave know if anyone is missing from this list.
Bill & Marianne Raines retired from pheasant hunting and was given a thank you award from the PBA.